Touched by Grace - the Healing Miracles of JesusSample

A Delayed Healing
The story of Lazarus is only found in the Gospel of John 11:1-44. Lazarus and his sisters were host and hostess to many gatherings for Jesus and His disciples. In this story, Lazarus has taken ill. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus, telling Him of their brother’s illness. But when Jesus heard about it, He said, “Lazarus’ sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.”
Jesus didn’t pack His knapsack immediately. He already knew that Lazarus had died but was using his death as a teaching moment for the rest of us. I can’t imagine the disappointment and confusion of the sisters as they waited and watched for Jesus, yet He didn't arrive until 48 hours later.
At the same time, the disciples were worried about Jesus’ safety because two days before, also in Judea, some religious leaders tried to stone Jesus. So, does He stay away or go comfort His good friends? Jesus’ delay of two days underscores the truth He consistently received His marching orders from God, the Father. Neither His closest friends' needs nor His enemies' fury determined His actions. Jesus backs up His decision about the planned delay to the disciples in John 11:15, “And for your sakes, I’m glad I wasn’t there, for now you will really believe. Come, let’s go see him.”
The divinity of Jesus is openly displayed throughout His ministry, but the “I AM” statements make it clear who He is: “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.” (John 11:25) The raising of Lazarus serves as a powerful sign of Jesus' authority over death, reinforcing His divine identity. Jesus wanted to show that His power over death is greater than mere physical healing.
This resurrection is one of the key signs that highlights Jesus as the giver of life. Jesus has the ultimate authority over death and foreshadows His own resurrection. Plus, Jesus tested the faith of Mary, Martha, and the disciples and strengthened the faith of those who witnessed it. God’s timing, especially His delays, makes us think He is ignoring our prayers or not answering the way we want. But He will always meet our needs according to His perfect timing and purpose.
About this Plan

This plan explores the stories of those who encountered the healing touch of Jesus. His touch was powerful, filled with grace, driven by compassion, and overflowing with love and hope. Whether great or small, rich or poor, young or old, sinner or saint—Jesus showed no partiality. His touch of grace extends to all, transforming lives without exception. No one is beyond the loving and healing embrace of Jesus.