Pieces of Manna: Surviving Your Wilderness SeasonSample

Day 3: One Day at a Time
The number one thing we usually ask when we’re in a wilderness season is: how long is this going to last?
And the answer is we don’t know.
What we do know is the best way for us to deal with it is: one day at a time.
That’s how He provided for the people of Israel with the manna. He gave them each day their daily bread. It’s the best way to build trust.
So often we want to know the end from the beginning so that we can feel comfortable with the journey of life God has given us. We want to know what we’re getting ourselves into before we agree to follow God’s plan. But it doesn’t work like that. Only God knows the full picture. It’s our job to trust Him that He will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it, and not a moment sooner.
We fill ourselves with anxieties, fear, frustration, and depression when we try to figure it all out. We can make many hasty and bad decisions due to our short sightedness and lack of trust. But it is not for us to forecast our entire future. Jesus said to just worry about today because there are enough worries in it already.
In our wilderness season it is critical to focus mainly on today. We are often overloaded and overwhelmed with problems that focusing on today helps to simplify A LOT. It also helps us to look for our manna for the day. God can provide your manna in an infinite number of ways. But you have to be looking out for it. You will miss it if you are trying to solve every problem before you even get there.
The world has a saying “every dark cloud has a silver lining,” and I believe every day in the wilderness has a piece of manna in it for God’s people. There will always be some bright spot to look forward to in your hard times when you ask God to show it to you. It could show up in something that makes you laugh. It could show up in your favorite food you got to enjoy. It could show up in you doing something to make someone else’s day brighter.
These moments make it possible to get through the day. And if you stack enough of those days up, before you know it, you’re on the other side in your promised land wondering how God ever got you through.
Think about what it looks like when God provides manna for you. As you read and pray today, ask God to show you when He’s giving you manna to get through your wilderness. Thank Him for it and be grateful. Be on the lookout for the next day’s manna when the time comes. If you trust God by obeying His commands and taking it one day at a time, I promise you can make it through ANY trial that life throws your way.
I hope this plan has helped you grow closer to God. For more Bible plans like this, and the Do Not Diminish podcast where we discuss deep Christian topics, checkout the YouTube link and others at https://linktr.ee/jaygrubz
About this Plan

Are you having to go without something you need or want for an extended amount of time? If so you might be in a “wilderness” season. God often takes us through times of lacking before we get what He’s promised. Along the way we learn the lesson of trust. This three-day devotional will teach you how to survive your wilderness season.