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Blessings & Battlefields: A Healing Walk With God 3 Steps to Engage God’s HealingSample

Blessings & Battlefields: A Healing Walk With God 3 Steps to Engage God’s Healing

DAY 5 OF 5

Day Five

A Healing Walk with God

Step #3 - SPEAK

STEP #3 - SPEAK – SPEAK His Word!

Then God SAID, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

SPEAK specific scripture OUT LOUD over yourself daily.

SPEAK specific scripture OUT LOUD over others daily.

Whatever the need is, SPEAK His Word OUT LOUD over it daily.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

Three times a day I went to my “Praying Place,” commonly known as my closet. You and I recently talked about how our spaces declare what we love. Finding and creating your very own “Praying Place” has nothing to do with WHERE that place exists. It has everything to do with WHO you are loving and praying to.

Be open to His leading on where to create your “Praying Place.”It can be anywhere…church pews, cars, coffee shops, closets, parks, lunch break tables, bedsides. It can be ever-changing, too! Different Praying Places for different seasons. Humble yourself before our Lord and talk to Him.

Jesus doesn’t care where we talk to Him! Just talk!

There, in my “Praying Place,” I laid it all down at the altar, His altar.

I was on my knees, Praying and SPEAKING His scripture out loud, three times a day. Day in and day out.

Not only three times a day physically surrendered in my closet, but every time I had a negative thought throughout the day, I would whisper His word.

If I couldn’t speak a full scripture, out loud,

I simply whispered, “Jesus.”

Jesus. We ask all things in the mighty name of Jesus. We come under His authority and His supernatural strength, submitting to His will. We speak His Word coming from His victory. Jesus.

God tells us in Isaiah 55:11

So is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

His Word that comes from His Mouth will prosper and accomplish what He sends it to do. We are not God. But according to Romans 8:17, we are co-heirs with Christ.

We too, can call on and speak His word. We will suffer as He did and be glorified with Him. As we live, suffer, and give thanks in all things, we can glorify Him by speaking His word.

For weeks on end, in my closet, I spoke out loud over myself:

·But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 and

·I will not die but live,
and will proclaim what the Lord has done. Psalm 118:17

By the time I went in for surgery, postponed due to COVID, my tumor had shrunk. The doctor’s exact words were, “I am in agreement with you that the tumor has shrunk at least by 30%.” I went from requiring eight surgeries, to two. I went from an 8-day hospital stay to 48 hours.

The initial pathology report said the tumor was in the muscle and nerve of my tongue. The pathology report after surgery showed NO tumor in the muscle or nerve of my tongue. No further treatment required.

His miraculous power is the only answer.

The tongue has the power of life and death, says Proverbs 18:21a.

Search, Solidify, and Speak.

Ask for His guidance, Receive His Word, and Believe His Word.

Memorize His Word and Speak it out loud.

In the end, Revelation 19:15 tells us Jesus will return on a white horse with a sword spearing from his mouth: Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations.

According to the Expositor’s Greek Testament commentary, “The victory of the messiah is single-handed where the word of messiah’s mouth is the sole weapon of his victory.”If Jesus uses his word as the weapon to conquer evil, the final evil, then who are we to not use it in our everyday lives?

Father God, we praise you for who you are, the creator of the heavens and the earth. You are our rock, refuge, and fortress. You deliver us from evil and guide us in all things. You are our provider and our healer. Increase our faith. We believe, Lord, help our unbelief. Help us to seek you for your specific Word which is our light. Solidify that Word into our souls so we may claim it out loud, relying on You.

It is in Your glorious, mighty name we pray,


More of this story here: Finding Peace in Your Panic

Explore Other Resources from Kristin HERE.

Day 4