I Wish I Had Been There!Sample

Jesus is baptized
It was a hot day again. This was our third time coming down to the river, hoping to meet less crowds than the day before. But once again, there was a massive crowd along the riverbank. Some, like us, were there to be baptized by John the Baptizer, but many were just curious onlookers, amused by his peculiar dress and fiery preaching.
Today was no exception. John stood waist-deep in the Jordan, preaching and baptizing. My brother and I were in the line to be baptized. There were about twenty men ahead of us now. It was a slow process. John seemed to be in no rush, sweat dripping from his forehead, one hand on the next candidate's shoulder, he began to proclaim loudly, “I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am—so much greater that I’m not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
It was as though fire was erupting from deep in his belly through his mouth as the word "fire" shot from his lips. Our hearts all leaped and burned at his words. His eyes had an almost wild look as he submerged the man under the water and brought him up again. We all applauded and shouted as the new convert, wade-ran out of the water, praising God for joy!
John continued, "He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.” He looked around at us with a piercing stare that made me uncomfortable. I avoided his gaze and glanced at the next man in line.
At the same time, John also made eye contact with the man, and I saw a look of surprise come over his face. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by You," he said, "So why are You coming to me?"
The man replied, "It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.”
A hush came over the crowd. "Who is that?" I heard one man whisper. "I have never seen John defer to anyone like that," whispered another incredulously. All eyes were glued to John and his latest convert. Time slowed. I could hear the water gently lapping on the shore and smell the salty smell of the river water. The proceedings took on an auspicious tone now. It was clear that John held this man in high esteem as his manner became uncharacteristically reverential. I couldn't hear what John and the man were saying, but I could see a tenderness in their eyes as John gently leaned the man back into the water.
As he raised him back out, it was as though the clouds parted, and the sun poured all of its light down on this spot on the Jordan River. I had to shield my eyes as what looked like a dazzling white dove of light floated down from heaven and cloaked the man in a glistening white aura. There was an audible gasp from the crowd.
Then a voice came from heaven that sounded at the same time like thunder and like many waters. I heard the voice say, "This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.” The voice gripped me with fear and awe at the same time. My heart was racing, and tears were running down my face. My brother and I, along with everyone else, just stared open-mouthed as the man strode out of the water and made his way along the riverside. He looked me straight in the eyes as he passed by, and it was as though his eyes pierced my soul. I crumbled, hanging onto my brother's shoulder. Who was this man??
About this Plan

This plan takes you through an immersive experience of well-known passages about Jesus. The objective is to place you in the scene like you were there that day and let the glory of Jesus Christ shine afresh on your heart. Sometimes, we read a passage so often that the wonder and greatness of what Jesus did and who He is doesn't touch our hearts like it used to. This plan aims to set your heart on fire for Jesus again!
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