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The Christ of ChristmasSample

The Christ of Christmas

DAY 13 OF 25

Day 13: The Glorious Angels

“Peace on earth”...that is certainly what most people strive to find. We spend our lives searching for things to fill the hole in our heart that lacks joy, hope, and peace. Today, I have good news, just like the angels had for the shepherds right after the Savior was born. The good news is this—in the city of David, a Savior was born. He is Christ the Lord! This is what the angels sang so boisterously two thousand years ago to hail the newborn King.

I can’t help but picture what it was like when the angels showed up all those years ago at Jesus’ birth. I live in North Carolina, and we’re surrounded by mountains. When you see how majestic and grand they are, it’s hard to imagine a song sung so loudly and by so many beings that it literally echoes from the mountains. It makes sense why the shepherds shook in fear when they saw this scene and heard this glorious song.

The angels had a very natural reaction to the Savior coming to make a way for man to have a relationship with God—they worshiped! They sang at the top of their lungs in praise to God for this blessing. And while worshiping, they declared the Good News of the Gospel that peace was coming to earth in the form of a baby. Peace would be available to hurting and lonely human hearts. Peace was not just a dream to humankind anymore, but rather a gift for those who become children of God.

What is your reaction to the news that Jesus, who is God in the flesh, came that very first Christmas to bring salvation to the world? My prayer is that during this Christmas season we worship our mighty God each and every day. Let us sing and praise our wonderful Savior. Let us make time to do it with our families! And through these events, let us share the Good News that Jesus came for you and for me.

“Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o’er the plains,
And the mountains in reply
Echo back their joyous strains.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.”
(Glory be to God on high)
Angels We Have Heard On High


Day 12Day 14

About this Plan

The Christ of Christmas

Over the first 25 days of December, we will cover the genealogy of Christ, the characters of Christmas, the prophecies Jesus fulfilled, who Jesus is, and the Christmas story.
