Who Is Jesus? The 7 I Am Statements of ChristSample

Here, we address two “I am” statements made by Jesus; “I am the door” and “I am the good shepherd”. In ancient times, the sheepfold was an enclosure mostly made from rocks that protected sheep from wolves and other predators. The enclosure had an opening where the sheep could go in and out. During the day, the sheep were led out to pasture and at night would return with the shepherd to rest in the enclosure. As the sheep walked in, the shepherd would inspect every animal, sometimes running his hands over its body to find injuries from the day’s activity. Any injuries would be treated with oil to cleanse, soothe and heal. In addition, most sheepfolds did not have a door, so the shepherd would lie across the opening as a barrier to keep predators out. What a beautiful picture of love and protection!
A well-known shepherd in the bible is King David, the writer of Psalm 23 which likens God to a shepherd. In 1 Samuel 16, the prophet came to anoint a king out of David’s father's house and David was not invited to the party until the prophet asked for him. He wasn’t even considered a likely candidate. In 1 Samuel 17: 34-35 David speaks of fighting and killing a bear and a lion to rescue one of his father’s sheep. The job of the shepherd was reserved for the lowliest of people. It was a dangerous and unglamorous job, involving long days in dangerous terrain, yet Jesus calls Himself our shepherd. Why? The relationship between the sheep and the shepherd is one of total dependence and complete trust.
The shepherd has the hard task of loving, protecting, and caring for the sheep, and the sheep have complete trust in the shepherd’s ability. Shepherds also spend all their time with their sheep, leading to intimacy and familiarity. Each shepherd has a specific call for his flock and they recognize his voice and his call. The flock will not respond to another voice or call (John 10:4-5).
By calling Himself the door and the shepherd, Jesus invites us to enjoy the abundant life He came to give us (John 10:10). Psalm 23 outlines some of the benefits we can enjoy with Jesus as our shepherd including; divine provision, direction, correction, healing protection and peace of mind. However, life in the sheepfold is a life of total surrender. To say Jesus is our shepherd is claiming His lordship over our lives, not just His blessings. We must draw close to Him, learn His voice, and surrender ourselves to His will for our lives. Without this, we will leave ourselves open to misdirection and attacks from the enemy. Perhaps you have stepped outside the protection of Jesus the Shepherd. Just know it is not too late to call on Him for help. He is not too busy or too far away to reach you where you are.
Read Psalm 23 today and reflect on your abundant life with Jesus as your shepherd.
About this Plan

This devotional explains 'Who is Jesus?' by exploring the seven “I Am” statements Jesus makes of himself in the book of John: “I am the bread of life,” “I am the way,” “truth and life,” and more. It unpacks these statements and examines what they mean for us as Christians today.
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