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Sealed Women: I AmSample

Sealed Women: I Am

DAY 3 OF 7

DAY 3: Imago Dei

"...and to put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." (Ephesians 4:24)

Animals have brains, internal organs, and sophisticated skeletal structures God created. But on the last day of creation, God made the most advanced, intelligent, governing, and relational being on earth—the human being.

Everything He fashioned with His own hands in Adam and Eve was to tell the beautiful story of God. So, as humans, our strengths, talents, and spiritual gifts are not accidental. They were placed in us to communicate something of God to the world.

You are an image bearer of God—Imago Dei in Latin—like a mirror, reflecting and shining forth the character of God that you behold to others.

Your identity begins with God because you were created in His image.

Since the beginning of human history, Satan has challenged men in their identity. One reason his anger toward humans is so fierce is that God made man a little lower than the angels and all the heavenly beings. And yet, God gave humans dominion over the works of His hands and put all things under their feet!

How can God promise to crush Satan, the highest archangel, under the feet of beings far inferior to him? No wonder Satan hates humanity so much because of his bitterness! The devil was not forgiven, as humans can be when he rebelled against God. He will be defeated by created beings below him in the spiritual hierarchy. He will be bound while fallen but redeemed humans will reign over creation with God forever. So, Satan projects the pain he has from all ages past onto human beings; the last created and the first in preference and target for the love of God.

We see this disdain and wrath of Satan in the story of Job. When he was suffering, Job did not realize that something greater and beyond himself was happening. Job was a very successful man in every way. He was a faithful husband, a loving father of ten children, and a respected and wealthy landowner with thousands of flocks and many servants. He was “the greatest man among all the peoples of the east” (Job 1:1–4). This was his identity on earth.

But Job did not know that he also had an identity and reputation in heaven.

God called him “My servant Job” and said:

“There is no one like him on earth—blameless and blameless, a man who fears God and shuns evil” (Job 1:8).

One man—two identities—one on earth and one in heaven.

When the tragedies began, Job’s identity on earth was shaken, robbed, and reduced to dust. Satan left him a depressed and impoverished man, with ten children dead, his livestock and crops destroyed, and a sick body covered in boils.

But with all that happened to him, Job’s identity in heaven never changed. Satan challenged his identity on earth—his family, his marriage, his business, his possessions, his health, and even his friends—to see how his identity, as he was known, in heaven would change. And Job was still loved and respected by God and had the same identity, purpose, and value.

When Job lost everything, he shaved his head, fell to the ground, and said:

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21–22)

He had come to the essence of who He was and had nothing to hold on to but God.

Which of the two was Job’s true identity?

His identity on earth changed over time, but the most important identity was the one given by God—the identity seen in heaven.

If you want to understand your true identity, the most critical and lasting one, you must make an effort to take your eyes off your current circumstances. How you feel, what people say, and any roles or titles associated with your name will eventually be blown away.

The real you is your God-given identity. All other earthly identities (daughter, wife, mother, teacher, businesswoman, etc.) are roles designed to fulfill your purpose of reflecting something of God to those around you.

As He did with Moses, God continually sees you and knows your future.

My Declaration:

(Watch the following video and speak out loud what God’s Word says about who you are. Verses are paraphrased based on the specific the Bible references.)

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Sealed Women: I Am

God is famous for interrupting people’s brokenness and speaking a new identity into them. Identity is at the heart of what it means to be human. Today, people think they are free to choose their identity, which leads them to put on masks and personas. But the Good News of Christ says that you, in God’s love, can discover what God says about you. You are who the “I Am” says you are. And only in the identity your Creator has given you, will you live a life of peace, security, and freedom.
