Act Like a ManSample
Manhood Works
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it."
—Genesis 2:15
Work isn’t bad. Worshiping work is bad. For most men, work is worshiped as an idol. What does it mean to be a man? Adam was given the responsibility of overseeing the garden.
Before you think of some lovely grandma on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens magazine, work is a God-given assignment. Your calling is to “work” and “take care” of your garden. The word “work” can mean many things, from tilling soil to serving others.
Today, we either worship work, or we worship what we get from work. Evaluate your priorities and find a healthy way to manage work and life.
Are you devoting your time and energy to the right priorities? Make no mistake, manhood works. You are not called to be lazy or a workaholic. If your only life goal is retirement on a beach, then you’ve missed your point.
A better man excels at God’s work. Manhood that works is life-giving. The workplace and community benefit because of you. You are not conflicted and confused about your role. You don’t overvalue work. Instead, you have a service mindset. You work for God, not man - which means you serve where you’re planted. Seek God's wisdom as you navigate the delicate management of manhood, work, and purpose. Work is worship, but work shouldn’t be worshiped.
Would those who know your schedule say you’re worshiping work?
About this Plan
Many men today find themselves in a state of confusion, navigating through a haze of uncertain masculinity. With 41% growing up without a physical father in the home and even more lacking a spiritual father, they are often left without a clear guide or path. Join us as we delve into God's Word to uncover His timeless definition of what it truly means to be a man.