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DAY 10 OF 40

“We have largely lost sight of the holiness and purity of God today. This is one reason why we tolerate sin so easily.” Billy Graham

There is this vast theological word called sin. We’ve clouded the definition in our churches, but it's nothing more technical than the human race saying, “God, I do want my life according to my status quo.” Our good and gracious God allows this choice but under the condition that we must leave the garden.

So, I’m willing to forfeit some of the effects of one tree to enjoy all the other trees of God. I can accept the joyful life that God is offering me. I choose to live my life with God differently and awesomely according to His status quo. I choose to live a life of holiness. I prefer garden living.

We can continue doing life according to the status quo of biology and human sociology, or we can return to the status quo of God. We can choose to live in the garden. God invites us, enables us, and challenges us to a life of differentness. Holiness.

To practice the position of children of God. As Peter advises: “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-mind, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written. ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1:13-16

God wants us to live as someone who enjoys His higher ways. The title is ours, no matter the day. You have the choice to make the holiness “suit” look bad. You are not earning holiness, you are reflecting it. We’re living set apart. We’re living uncommonly. You may be reading this today out of the dredges of the earth being excessively common, excessively hopeless, and excessively flawed. But through a relationship with Jesus, God declares you different, chosen, and holy like Him. You might think the whole God thing was about going to heaven and getting your eternity ticket stamped. God is calling you to change your status quo and practice a different life, reflecting Him. We’re called to a garden living of the soul the way it was always intended - living with Christ.


  1. Why is it impossible to earn holiness?
  2. What is the only way you can acquire the position of holy? Who makes you holy?
  3. What are some ways you can reflect that holiness?
Day 9Day 11

About this Plan


The purpose of this devotional is to take a deeper look into the "uncommon" living for those of us walking with Jesus. We are declared holy through Christ, so how do we walk in that holiness? How can we be set apart and walk out our holiness?
