
Nobody wants to have a lame life. Nobody wants life to be pretty good. We all want an awesome life! We want high school to be the most fun ever. We want summer to be epic. We want college to be sick. We want life after college to be full of adventure. We want our job to be something we love and that makes a difference. We want a spouse that rocks our world. We want our family to like the Incredibles! We don’t want mediocre. We don’t want standard. We don't even want pretty good. We want the best quality, highest experience of life. We want a prime life.
But when we look ahead at people who have already gone before us, some of the most successful people don’t seem to be enjoying being in their prime. Tom Brady, for example, once said as he looked back on all of his achievements: “Man, is this it? I’m thinking there’s got to be more than just this.” This is Tom Brady!
So how do you find the prime life? How do you get it? What’s the formula? What if it’s because we’re looking to the wrong source for making our lives all we want them to be? What if the things we think are going to give us “the life” aren’t actually giving us “the life”?
And this is where Jesus has something pretty profound to say. He said:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it to the fullest. (John 10:10)
Jesus is saying that not only is the prime life possible, but that he came to make it happen for you. While the thief comes to take away your life and convince you that success is found in money, popularity, sex, stuff, pleasure, success, power, beauty, and a number of other things—Jesus says that a prime life is found in him!
That’s what this verse is saying. That living in your prime really depends on whose hands your life is in. When your life is in his hands, he will wield your life, use it, lead it, play it to the fullest. Your best life is found only by placing it in the best hands. The prime life starts with Jesus.
About this Plan

What does it mean to be in your PRIME? We all want the PRIME life Jesus offered, but that only happens when you learn that your best life is found only by placing it in the best hands.