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Thanksgiving Sample


DAY 1 OF 5

Day 1: Time to Take Inventory

“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Romans 1:21)

With the fall of man, God could have wiped out all of creation. But instead, he sent his only Son to shed his blood and redeem humanity, so that whoever believes in him would not perish but have eternal life. You would think that would result in an explosion of praise born out of gratitude for such a wonderful and undeserved gift from a loving heavenly Father, but that has not been the history of humanity so far. In fact, the first step of departure from God, according to the book of Romans, was that after God blessed humanity with every good gift, they would not thank him. And so, they brought upon themselves all kinds of evil, which shows how terrible it is to be unthankful.

And it continues to this day. God’s Word says that every good and perfect gift comes from him. That includes the food we’ve eaten, the beds we slept on last night, the families in which he’s placed us, and the very breath in our lungs. God showers on us every good thing, but many times we focus only on the negatives.

It’s time to take inventory, brothers and sisters in Christ. Have we been remiss in this area of our lives? Let’s go on record today to say, “God has been good to me, and I want to thank him!”

Day 2

About this Plan


In his new Thanksgiving devotional series, Pastor Jim Cymbala shows us from Scripture not only how a grateful heart pleases God, but also how it blesses others and ultimately makes a huge difference in our own lives. This series is great not just for the holiday season but year-round for those who want biblical insight into an act of worship that is so necessary for our spiritual well-being.
