Music: Bible Songs to Fight DepressionSample

Day 1 - Hold You Up
I'm Xander Stok, the founder of and man behind Project of Love. My mission is to put all Bible books, one-on-one scripture, to song.
This project is born from a deep love for the Word of God and its Author. Four years ago, after 20 years of struggling with depression, suicide and addictions, I met with God. He took me out of the pit, gave me new life, and here I am.
In January 2021, while reading the book of Isaiah, I heard a quiet voice say, "Grab your guitar and sing what you're reading." That's what I did and am still doing.
Never in a million years had I dreamed I would be doing this. I had heard of the Bible but found it a stuffy, dusty, boring, old book. That was then. He's blessed me with a raw hunger, a craving for the Word. Ever since that day, He has been my Wonderful Counselor. I find refuge in His Word. He holds me up: "For I have chosen you. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Wow. This is God encouraging us. You. Me.
Sure, some days I still wake up weary or anxious. But reading the Bible always transforms me. Therefore, it's not an option for me whether or not to read the Bible every day; it's become a necessity! I need it. His Word changes me from the inside out. Imagine what'll happen if you sing His Words out loud. You're proclaiming them over your life!
Isaiah 41 – Hold You Up
9. For I have chosen you.
10. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
12. Those who attack you will come to nothing.
13. For I hold you by your right hand.
All scripture from New Living Translation (NLT).
All music was created, mixed, and produced by Project of Love, Xander Stok.
About this Plan

Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains six songs especially for you when you're battling depression. All words are straight from the book of Isaiah, 100% scripture put to song. One chapter, one song every day. Hear & proclaim the amazing Words of the Father sung to and over you - Words of Life, sung to life!
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