Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of MarkSample

Look Closely:
- If you were a farmer in the crowd as Jesus told this parable, what would you hear and understand differently than someone with no agricultural experience?
- Break down the parable and Jesus’ explanation: what are the four types of soil, the quality of each soil, and the four results?
- Who is the Sower? What is the seed? Who controls the planting? Who is in control of the soil?
Bible Dictionary Spotlight: Parable
A very simple definition of a parable is a short story with a point. In these stories are images, metaphors, and comparisons that Jesus pulled from the everyday life of his listeners that explained aspects of God’s Kingdom. Jesus used parables when teaching the crowds and His followers. Often, people were left confused - even the disciples! Why not just speak clearly? For those who were open-minded and curious (“ears to hear”), willing to ponder and accept, these stories revealed truths and treasures; for those who opposed Him and His message, the stories’ message was concealed. In every parable, whether an exciting story or a solemn warning, the meaning, message, and point were always centered on Jesus the Messiah and King ushering in the Kingdom of God.
About this Plan

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark vividly tells his story with urgency and purpose, giving all of us a front-row seat to the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus. This plan puts you in the story so that you can observe, ask questions, and learn alongside the disciples.