Awaiting the Manger: 7 Days of Discovering Jesus in the Old TestamentSample

The Woman’s Offspring
For a while, Adam and Eve lived and breathed and had their being in joyful wonder with their God, relishing the sapphire skies, delighting in the giraffes and hedgehogs and blue jays, feasting on the harvest of pomegranates and figs. Blanketed in their Father’s love, they were naked and unafraid. They existed in joyful union with their Creator, perfect submission, perfect delight.
But into this safe temple, the serpent trespassed, seducing them into eating from the one tree the Father had commanded his children to avoid. Even though our first parents had lived in the light of God’s favor, Adam and Eve chose to change sides. They believed the lie that God didn’t love them enough, that he had selfishly withheld something from them. So they ate of the forbidden tree.
Then they died. Life is love and communion with the Lord (John 17:3). So with that first bite, Adam and Eve were spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins (Colossians 2:13). Dead as in no life. No heartbeat. No will.
Their lovely, intimate fellowship with God was gone. Two dead ones could not restore it. With death came fear. Still naked, they were now afraid of being seen, for the Judge of the universe found them in sin. And the consequence was great, God banished them from the garden. East, away from the circle of “God with us,” never to return. He sent angels with flaming swords to block the entrance. Who could possibly break through those deadly swords? Who could endure the savage death that would come to anyone who tried? Could fellowship with God be restored?
Only God could repair the broken fellowship, and we first glimpse his rescue plan in these words he spoke to the serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15).
In these puzzling words, we find the whisper of a promise. Someday, tomorrow? Next week? Far in the future? Adam and Eve didn’t know when, but they did know that through his suffering, Eve’s offspring would free them from their hopeless wandering. They would walk with their Father once again.
But that as all they knew.
Send him soon, I imagine Eve prayed as she left the garden. Yes, soon Lord. Millenia passed, and then, to a daughter of Eve an angel came. This angel was unlike those who wielded the flaming swords blocking entrance to the Father’s presence, instead, this angel announced the way to be with God again. “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28).
Did you see that? The Immanuel promise was right there in the greeting. “The Lord is with you.” Finally! Finally, he would arrive, the one who would crush the serpent’s head, endure the fiery sword, and usher us into sweet fellowship once again.
Doubts, shame, greed, lust, gossip, deceit merely a few of the weapons the Enemy craftily tempts us with. These are too strong for us to resist on our own. We must cry out to Jesus, and he will crush the serpent’s influence in our life, day by day.
In what areas of your life have you taken sides against Jesus? How can you practice surrendering those areas to Christ? (Colossians 3:1-17)
Long awaited Savior, as the days draw closer to the celebration of your birth, please speak peace to my heart and let your mercy resound within a fallen world that desperately needs saving.
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
About this Plan

Sometimes the Old Testament can seem far away from the life and ministry of Jesus. But in reality, Jesus's birth and life were hinted at in stories from the very beginning. In this 7-day plan, you will be immersed in imaginative retellings of Old Testament stories that show the how hope of Christ’s coming was woven into human history from the start!
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