Giving It All Away…And Getting It All Back AgainSample

The Joy of Giving
When we give to God, we allow God to “open the floodgates of heaven” (Malachi 3.10). Some Christians, I’m afraid, see the opposite. They think they’ll wind up with less if they give. I see it in terms of future blessing. I need and want God’s blessings on my family. As I give, it seems that he showers us with more and more blessings.
I’m not saying we should pray that God will open the floodgates of heaven so we can get money back. That way of thinking does not align with God’s. There’s more to God’s blessing than money. We need to rid ourselves of this mindset that focuses on mountains of money. God’s provision for our lives can come in the form of assistance from the body of Christ (people from your church) or in the form of a gift of some kind, a job opportunity. My mother gave obediently and joyfully, and God provided. She didn’t get rich as the world defines it, but she built up treasure in heaven while she trusted God to provide for her in the here and now.
Let me make my plea to you. Take God at his word. Test him. I’m convinced that if you take a step and keep moving forward on the adventure of giving, there is no way that you’ll be disappointed. I encourage you and challenge you to take the next step. Maybe it’s a first step. Maybe it’s a bolder step.
Application: How could a legacy of joy and generosity have more of an impact than leaving behind a thriving business or load of cash?
About this Plan

Taken from the book, Giving It All Away…and Getting It All Back Again, David Green, founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby, shares that a generous life pays the best rewards personally, offers a powerful legacy to your family, and changes those you touch.