Propaganda - ExcellentSample

I Ain’t Got An Answer
If theirs one thing I’ve learned is the Bible doesn't set the bar high. It sets it at impossible! Our salvation, living a Christ-centered life, loving our spouses they He calls us to, raising our is impossible! In our own strength, we can’t live up to standard he calls us to live.
But we are empowered, lead, and filled with the Holy Spirit who gives us the ability through Him to live out our faith.
This somewhat famous section of Scripture lays out a picture of love that is so beautiful, so inspiring and so terrifying! I know I don’t love like that! I know I want to, I know I strive to, but I don't. In my life, the proof of this is made the most clearly through my daughter. I love her more than any other human being short of her mother. But how often I don’t love her as I should. I find myself reading books and going to conferences looking for the magic pill that will make me the perfect father, so that I can give an answer for every issue she may face.
I do this because I love her so much. But it’s when I surrender, and understand that I don’t have an answer. When I don't “lean on my own understanding”, the Holy Spirit gently reminds me that His strength is made perfect in my weakness” and that until he returns, “We see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully know.” So we take heart, knowing that it “is God who works in us to both will and do his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)
Get 'I Ain't Got An Answer' at The Overflow.comScripture
About this Plan

Quietly becoming one of the strongest voices for this generation of Christians, Propaganda expands his catalog with his most recent release, Excellent. On video and in writing, Prop picks seven songs from the album for The Overflow Devo, breaking each one down to its core, exposing the roots that spawned their creation.