Less of Me/More of Him, A 21-Day Fasting StudySample

“DAY 8”
The enemy's job is to pull us away from God's house and His purposes, because he knows that if we come out from under the covering of the Father, he can take everything away from us, not only our finances, but also our reputation, our name, and our witness for Jesus. In these last days we need to have a 'made-up mind' to STAY in God's house where there is love, peace, safety, and blessing ... for our families and us.
Many times we can be faithful by our presence in God's house but unfaithful in coming fully under authority of that house, or that pastor, or even fully under our ultimate authority, Jesus Christ. On the surface we are doing all the right things, and to everyone looking on, you are all in. But you know in your own heart there are parts of you that are not fully surrendered.
The Lord would say these simple words to you: Surrender. Return to Me. There is grace. There is mercy. There is forgiveness.
Read Jeremiah 29 and focus on verses 12-14
As you think of the many different parts of your life, are there parts that are not fully yielded to the Lord?
Take a moment right where you are to get before the Lord and offer Him all of you. Then take time to just sit and listen for the voice of God. What do you hear Him saying to you?
The enemy is after more than your stuff. He wants to take your reputation and your self-respect. Just like the prodigal son lost everything, the enemy's goal is to take you out. You have to make up your mind that you're going to ENDURE!
Week 2 has begun and by now you are deep into your fasting experience. Take advantage of this time to really draw near. If you will be faithful to your daily time of prayer and worship, you will hear His voice, and many times your greatest revelation.
For Further Study: Luke 15
About this Plan

Be challenged to do more than just abstain from food, but set yourself apart mentally, physically, and spiritually through fasting. God promises if we seek Him with our whole heart, He will be found. He is a near God who hears our prayers and is attentive. Dive in and draw closer to God than ever before.
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