I Believe It (The Life of Jesus)Sample

True Power
I believe that His Spirit’s with us. I believe that He gives us power. I believe that He is the Son of God.
I’ve had to learn the hard lesson that I’m not in charge or in control, and I don’t have the power I think I do. I lean on the Spirit’s power. I can either get up and sing a song, or I can ask God to show Himself strong in those moments and do what I cannot naturally do. At the crux of worship is the Spirit breaking the yoke and doing what man cannot do.
I heard someone say during the chaos of the last several years that the church will be at the core of our country being able to unite. 2 weeks after hearing that, I heard God say to me clearly, “If the church is at the core of unity, then worship is at the core of the church. Sing songs that point people to Jesus and bring people together. That’s where the power is.”
On a map, Iceland, Norway, and the UK almost make a triangle. If you zoom super close at the center of that triangle, you can see a place called the Faroe Islands. It’s a beautiful place where the sky can be calm with rainbows one hour and filled with dangerous winds the next. They can actually experience four seasons in one day! How do I know? Because those beautiful winds decided to speed up to NINETY miles an hour in one moment and literally blew my friends and me forward a few feet. It was as if we were moonwalking but in the wrong direction! It was shocking and scary, and there was not one thing I could do about it. I have a hard time describing the weightiness of that experience with mere words, and I think often the power of God is similar. The Holy Spirit is even described in scripture as a wind. Sometimes it’s a gentle, almost imperceptible nudge or leading; other times, He comes in the sheer force of His power.
It should amaze us that the plan of God not only included Jesus coming to earth to live a sinless life, die a death we deserved, be raised again by the power of God, and return to heaven to prepare a place for us to be with Him forever, but that in the here and now, we’ve been given the Holy Spirit of God to reside in us. We have the same Spirit in us that raised Christ from the dead. That’s where the true power is.
About this Plan

It's not just a story ... "I Believe It (The Life of Jesus)" was a song that came out of a trip I was able to take to Israel and the chance to visit the Sea of Galilee. I will never forget the tangible & incredibly real presence of God that I experienced there. The impact of that moment and the realization that we'd be lost without the miracle of God's redemption should lead us to a proclamation of what we believe. This 5 day devotional focuses on the foundations of our faith and yet reminds us not to lose the awe and wonder in God's plan of redemption.
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