A World On The MoveSample

Singapore: Unique Qualities for Great Commission Impact
Singapore is a country that epitomizes innovation and diversity. But how has that translated into mission opportunity? Learn more about Singapore, how it is positioned to engage in mission, and the status of its mission movement.
There are few places as unique as Singapore! It is a true city-state that has created a vibrant economy with expanding influence. But while most people talk about Singapore’s business success, vibrant quality of life and diversity in urban living, you may not have heard as much about its unique contribution to the Great Commission. Well, today’s Missiographic offers you a chance to learn! For instance, did you know that 37% of churches in Singapore sponsor work with an unreached people group, or that 60% of congregations are involved in local mission?
Personal Reflection
Singapore has great wealth, diversity, and mobility. There are very few places with so much dynamic activity and opportunity. How can you take some of the innovation, diversity, and mobility seen in Singapore to heart as you serve God? Reflect on Singapore’s unique setting, position, and response to the Great Commission, then ask yourself how you are participating in mission as someone created by God with unique abilities and opportunities. What is one creative way He might want you to reach out in His name today?
Dear God, You have positioned each people group and country in unique ways. And with that positioning, You have asked for humble and responsive hearts. We pray for the Church in Singapore today and for their response to the Great Commission. May they be faithful with what You have entrusted to them and may their efforts bear fruit for Your Kingdom. Would You please show me how You have uniquely gifted me to reach those around me for You? Thank You! Amen
Click here to access this free Missiographic and sign up for future Missiographics: http://www.gmi.org/services/missiographics/library/singapore/
About this Plan

People are on the move today more than ever. Some move of their own will. But there are millions of people who are displaced—forced to move by circumstances beyond their control. So let’s learn from those on the move around the world and see what God will teach us as we consider who our neighbors are, what God is doing in places like Singapore and Wheaton, IL (USA), the challenges and opportunities found in cities, and 7 statistics that remind us Who is in control. Even as the world moves, He always remains constant!
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