Precious Moments That Count For EternitySample

Only the Living Can Praise God
When I open the windows every morning, a rush of wind enters my home. The fresh air instantly refreshes me and causes me to start praising my God, my Creator. Then I look around and I see branches and leaves swaying in the wind and birds chirping and singing their own songs. Though I can see cars zooming by and humans rushing to their workplaces in the background, I am able to sit back and enjoy what God has given us; His beautiful creation, having breath, making a sweet melody unto Him.
God breathed life into this earth and all of creation (Genesis 1:1-27). He breathed into man the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God created humanity because He is love, not for what humanity could do for Him.
In Psalm 150:3-5, 103:22 and 145:21, David encourages us to praise God with every musical instrument, including the breath that God has given us. The dead cannot sing or praise God. All instruments can be played only by living people.
When you drive around the countryside, you can see and experience the magnificence of our God – the mountains, the waterfalls, the deep valleys, the trees, the animals, the birds and the stars twinkling in the dark of the night. All this reminds us that God put them there for us to know our Creator.
Beloved, consider it a privilege each morning to be alive and sing out your songs of praise to Jesus, who has given us this amazing life. We were created to worship Him (Colossians 1:16). Today, choose to praise God because He has given us this one life to sing out His praises.
Lord, I want to thank You for giving me life that only speaks of Your goodness every day. Thank You that today I am alive to sing of Your greatness and majesty. Help me remember throughout the day that this life, this breath You have put in me is for You and make me use it only for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When I open the windows every morning, a rush of wind enters my home. The fresh air instantly refreshes me and causes me to start praising my God, my Creator. Then I look around and I see branches and leaves swaying in the wind and birds chirping and singing their own songs. Though I can see cars zooming by and humans rushing to their workplaces in the background, I am able to sit back and enjoy what God has given us; His beautiful creation, having breath, making a sweet melody unto Him.
God breathed life into this earth and all of creation (Genesis 1:1-27). He breathed into man the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God created humanity because He is love, not for what humanity could do for Him.
In Psalm 150:3-5, 103:22 and 145:21, David encourages us to praise God with every musical instrument, including the breath that God has given us. The dead cannot sing or praise God. All instruments can be played only by living people.
When you drive around the countryside, you can see and experience the magnificence of our God – the mountains, the waterfalls, the deep valleys, the trees, the animals, the birds and the stars twinkling in the dark of the night. All this reminds us that God put them there for us to know our Creator.
Beloved, consider it a privilege each morning to be alive and sing out your songs of praise to Jesus, who has given us this amazing life. We were created to worship Him (Colossians 1:16). Today, choose to praise God because He has given us this one life to sing out His praises.
Lord, I want to thank You for giving me life that only speaks of Your goodness every day. Thank You that today I am alive to sing of Your greatness and majesty. Help me remember throughout the day that this life, this breath You have put in me is for You and make me use it only for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

It is our prayer that it will reveal to those who don’t know Jesus Christ, that there is a Creator and Maker of this universe, the only loving and powerful God who longs for a personal relationship with every human being. We pray that these daily readings will remind us all of the great hope and abundant joy in knowing Jesus Christ, through whom we have eternal life!