A New Covenant: A Study in JeremiahSample

What does it say?
God contrasts the faithful obedience of the Rechabites to their ancestor’s command with the direct disobedience of the Israelites to His call.
What does it mean?
The Rechabites were nomadic descendants of Jethro who followed a code of conduct similar to the Nazarites. Even though their lifestyle was harsh and humble, they kept their vow. Knowing the Rechabites would refuse the wine, Jeremiah used the situation to give the people of Judah an object lesson on obedience. The faithful obedience of the Rechabites is contrasted with the disobedience of Judah and Jerusalem to the Lord’s instructions. If these nomads could obey the commands of a human leader, how much more should the people of Judah have obeyed the commands of the Lord?
How should I respond?
What are your family traditions? Some of them may be fun or silly, while others pass down important aspects of character and morality. Shouldn’t we be more intent on obeying God’s Word than keeping earthly traditions? The Lord gives us boundaries and commands to protect and guide us. The truths in Scripture point to a living relationship with Christ both today and eternally. How might you be disobeying God in some area of your life? What blessing of the Lord or aspect of your salvation have you taken for granted? Choose to obey God’s call and pass on a spiritual family tradition.
About this Plan

Jeremiah prophesied during a period of intense upheaval. After being subjected to judgment, exile, and destruction, Israel’s future and God’s faithfulness were both called into question. Despite Israel’s uncertainty, God once again points His people towards the future, promising them a new covenant, a new heart, and a new relationship with Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34).