Supremacy of Christ: A Study in HebrewsSample

What does it say?
The writer recounts great heroes of faith from Israel’s history.
What does it mean?
Faith is defined as being confident that what we hope for is going to happen and being certain that things we cannot see are real. Faith believes what God says because of who He is. The first step of faith is to understand that God created the universe and all that’s in it. If God is Creator, certainly He has the authority to be Lord. This chapter is filled with names of those who chose to trust God and act in obedience to what He said. They were just regular men and women with real challenges and weaknesses. They are not remembered because they were great people but because they possessed great faith.
How should I respond?
Blockbuster superhero movies open to huge success every summer. We love the idea of people being the best version of humanity and doing extraordinary things. The lives of God’s superheroes are evidence that God is trustworthy in any and every circumstance. In what area of your life is God urging you to display great faith? Which person in today’s passage is an encouragement to your faith in your current situation? As you trust God and obey His Word, your faith will grow – and you’ll become the best version of yourself. Who will remember you as their hero of faith?
About this Plan

Although the authorship of Hebrews is unclear, the message of the book could not be clearer: Jesus Christ is superior to all. Jesus’ name is greater than the angels, He is more faithful than Moses, and only His blood has the power to take away sin. Hebrews reminds us to look to Jesus and faithfully run the race He has called us to.
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