Be With Me: Five-Day Devotional on God’s Will for Us to Love Each OtherSample

When you look around today, what are you witnessing? Are you witnessing greed, hate, lust, and other negative things? Or are you witnessing kindness, patience, generosity, and other positive things? Or a combination of both? What are you projecting into the world? Positivity? Negativity? Or a combination of both? Have you ever thought that being of God and loving your neighbor projects positivity to the world and being of yourself and putting yourself above others projects negativity? How does God wish for you to be? What do you wish to project into the world?
These are my Words of Wisdom from God: Love is the ultimate commandment. Love Me and love your neighbor. That is pretty simple. Does it say to love yourself? No, but that is what has happened with society. You have gotten away from putting Me and your neighbor first, and have instead put yourself first. This creates all sorts of havoc. People begin making choices to benefit themselves instead of Me and their neighbor. This leads to all kinds of evil, such as greed, love of money, hate, and lust. When you make the choice for Me and your neighbor, there is love. Love leads to kindness, patience, and generosity—all good things. When you choose Me and your neighbor, peacefulness of the heart prevails. Life is not difficult when people choose to love. If everyone would just love Me and their neighbor, life would be so much more peaceful and glorious. You get a glimpse of heaven on earth when you experience such love.
In 1 Peter 4:8, scripture teaches us: Most of all, love one another deeply. Love erases many sins by forgiving them.
So today, take a few minutes and ask yourself: What are a few ways that I can choose God and others over myself today?
About this Plan

Love. God is love. It’s that simple. All He wants is for us to love each other. How do we do this as humans? So much gets in the way—we get in the way. In this 5-day plan, you are taught through God’s own words how much He truly wishes for us to love each other.