Living Changed: When Your Birth Story Didn’t Go As ExpectedSample

Intentionality of Creation
Think about something you love in nature. Maybe it’s the way a pink and orange sunset reflects off of the ocean, birds flying in formation, or the feel of snow crunching under your feet. When we think about the most beautiful parts of nature, it can be hard to believe that the One who created them also considers us His masterpiece. And yet, the book of Genesis tells us that God’s creation wasn’t complete until He made us. If we really believe God doesn’t make mistakes, then we also have to believe He knew what He was doing when He created us and said it was good.
After my daughter was born, my care team continued to treat me for severe preeclampsia. Even though my blood pressure had trouble stabilizing, my medication usually helped enough that my nurses would let me leave my room to go visit the NICU.
I vividly remember one time when my husband and I were getting ready to go upstairs to visit our daughter. He hadn’t had the chance to hold her yet, so I had reluctantly said it could be his turn. Just as we were about to leave, my nurse walked in to check my blood pressure. This was becoming routine, so I told him to go ahead and I would meet him there in a few minutes.
I took a deep breath and focused on my breathing while the cuff tightened around my arm. Then the annoying yet familiar alarm went off, signaling a dangerously high blood pressure reading. My nurse gave me a minute to breathe and switched arms, but the alarm went off again. She told me I couldn’t leave and rushed to get more medicine for my IV. I was devastated and angry–not just at the situation but at my body that kept failing me. Why couldn’t I get it together?
I called up to the NICU in tears and asked them to tell my husband I couldn’t make it because I was too sick. Once again, I felt like one of the most meaningful moments of my baby’s life was robbed from me. I missed seeing my husband hold our daughter for the first time. I was mad at my body and questioning God. How could He look at me, at His creation, and call my body good?
What I didn’t understand at the time is that my body was doing what God had intentionally created it to do. My body was fighting to stay alive. Even though my high blood pressure caused me to miss some special moments, my body responded the way it is supposed to when something is wrong, and because of that, my nurses knew how to help me.
Psalm 139 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Whatever your story is, God knew it before you were even born. He created every detail of your body with care, and He purposefully designed every part of it that you think was a mistake. When our spiritual enemy tries to tell you that you’re broken, damaged, or lacking compared to someone else, remember this truth: You were wonderfully and perfectly made. There is no flaw in you. The One who created the heavens and the earth thought this world needed you, too. He knows everything about you, and He loves every part of you.
Dear God, when I’m tempted to question the goodness of my body, remind me of your perfect design. Help me to remember who you say I am and to quiet the lies with your truth. Help me to see myself as you see me, as your beautiful masterpiece. Fill me with confident humility, and let my story be a testament to your goodness and faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
About this Plan

We all have a picture of what we think our pregnancy and birth will look like. When it goes differently, it can be heartbreaking. Whether you had a difficult delivery or your little one needed a NICU stay, your story matters to God. This plan, from a NICU mama, will help you grieve the birth story you didn’t get to experience and find hope and healing for the future.
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