Talk Yourself HappySample

HELP: Discover the Power of Community
What does it look like to seek the happiness of others? It’s combining the power of speaking encouraging and Holy Spirit–driven words to others with the power of following up on those words to bring them to life. While words carry power within themselves, words are just words unless we combine them with action.
For example, if we tell someone all day, “I love you,” but our actions don’t reflect the meaning behind those words, then those words not only lose their meaning but also their power. In essence, we display our lack of belief in our own words, thus deflating their intended purpose and power.
How many times have we passed right by others asking those same questions, which led them to conclude, Nobody cares for me, My life is not important, or God has forgotten me? If we are to partner with God in demonstrating the love we profess to have for people, we must stop focusing only on ourselves and pay attention to one another's needs. This is how we give legs to our words and what we say we believe.
We all need help at times. We all need people to lift us up with loving hearts. And we all need someone to talk us happy when we’re too weary, tired, and beat-down to do it on our own. The key to true happiness is the ability to give the gift of happiness to others by seeing them, loving them, encouraging them, and putting our words into action.
As important as it is for us to talk ourselves happy, it’s just as important to learn how to talk others happy. We can do that when we remind ourselves to open our eyes to the needs around us.
Who can you help today? Look around and choose to see someone who is struggling right in front of you. Ask God to show you what you can do for that person. Or, better yet, go to the person directly and ask how you can help.
Read Galatians 6:2 and John 15:13 out loud. Write one of them down on a sticky note, and read it aloud to yourself throughout the day as a reminder of what it is to walk in God’s love.
About this Plan

Kristi Watts shares how we can more purposefully align our words, hearts, and minds with God’s Word and experience greater happiness. Drawn from “Talk Yourself Happy: Transform Your Heart by Speaking God’s Promises,” each day’s devotion focuses on a different biblical topic – trust, obedience, identity, community, and promise – and includes a suggested action step.