Our Biblical GPSSample

Sanctification: God’s road of blessing
The Apostle Peter, probably with the help of Silas, composed the letter of 1 Peter around A.D. 60. The letter was sent to Jewish and Gentile Christians living in the region we would know as modern-day Turkey. The Christian population grew quickly after the ascension of Christ and became an annoyance to Rome’s emperor, Nero. Peter learned of the suffering Paul faced, as well as the persecution that the Church was experiencing. 1 Peter is a letter of encouragement to the people to continue to grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s word.
John Owen, an English theologian, compared the process of sanctification to a growing tree. He said, “The growth of trees and plants takes place so slowly that it is not easily seen. Daily we notice little change. But, in the course of time, we see that a great change has taken place. So it is with grace. Sanctification is a progressive, lifelong work. It is an amazing work of God's grace, and it is a work to be prayed for.” Peter wrote his letter to encourage the early believers to continue to allow their lives to be sanctified by Christ and, therefore, choose the road of blessing.
About this Plan

Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.