Raising Prayerful Kids - A 5-Day PlanSample

Why Praying With Your Kids Matters
Sometimes I get stuck in a thought pattern of wondering if I’m doing enough for my kids or if I’ve remembered everything I’m supposed to be doing. I know I purposefully didn’t have my daughter try out for the dance team this year, but am I holding her back by doing that? My son hasn’t started his cursive packet yet, I wonder if he is behind? Should Fridays be reserved for family game night? It feels like we haven’t been to the dentist in a while. My mind is quickly overwhelmed by the decisions to be made.
That pressure we feel as parents can so easily slip into pressure felt by our kids. But here is the thing: they don’t need more activities, perfect grades, model behavior, or the most nutritious diet. All those things are good; they are all things we work on with our own kids, but they are not the number one thing. The number one thing our kids need is a relationship with Jesus.
The most important thing we can do as parents is to pray with and for our kids because God can completely transform our families through prayer.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and like you can’t do it all, you are right! You can’t do it all. We need to focus on what’s most important. We can look at Jesus’ example and his instructions to see how important prayer truly is.
Jesus often retreated to quiet places to pray. Prayer is one thing that Jesus commands us to do and then shows us how to do it. Jesus not only prayed many times in the Bible, but he also taught his disciples how to pray and spent time blessing others, including kids! He prioritized kids, spoke life into them, and blessed them.
The amazing thing about prayer is that its benefits are both immediate and eternal. The main reason we pray is to communicate and grow closer to Jesus, but there are other benefits as well! Research tells us that prayer strengthens communication in families, encourages empathy and forgiveness, and can reduce stress. Kids that practice prayer are more likely to be healthy adults. Prayer releases endorphins, reminds us we are not alone, fills us with hope, and renews our minds.
Prayer can increase family unity as well. By praying with your kids, you will find you are more connected and know each other more deeply. Even just a few minutes of prayer a day can bond you together as you grow closer to God. Instead of spending the day in a shared space with our kids, when we make time to be purposefully present with them and to be teaching them about God’s love for them, we start to get to know our kids on a deeper level.
Most importantly, when we pray for our kids and with them, we are giving them the only gift that can last forever. The prayers you speak over and for your children and with your children have the power to change generations to come. It only takes a few minutes, but the impact is eternal!
God, thank you that you love talking with me and with my kids! Help me to recommit to the task you have laid out before me. You have called me to pray with my child and to pray for my child. Show me how to do this and how to grow closer to you alongside my family. Make us more unified and connected. Fill our home with laughter, depth, rejoicing, and gratitude. Help me to model a genuine faith in you. Bless my child Lord...the next generation growing up to know you! Amen.
1. What does prayer time with your kids look like right now?
2. What priorities would you need to let go of to make prayer with and for your kids your number one priority?
3. Who has prayed for you and what have been the benefits?
4. What benefits could you see coming from praying with your family?
About this Plan

Parents are called to guide their kids in the Christian faith—to teach them about the Bible, God’s love, and how to pray. But that can be overwhelming! Do you feel like you’re lacking the tools or the time to teach your kids to pray? God wants to parent with you! With God’s help, turn everyday moments into fun faith-filled moments to raise kids who love prayer.
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