Greed, Self-Centeredness and CorruptionSample

Where did it come from?
The insidious culture of greed, self-centeredness, and corruption is not a new phenomenon.
Read Genesis 6.
During this time, there was so much greed, corruption, sexual debauchery, violence, and insatiable lust for power that the Lord regretted He had made mankind (Genesis 6:6).
As a result, the Lord cleansed the whole planet via the Great Flood of Noah.
But somewhere along the way it all went wrong again, and this culture of greed and lust for power and wealth crept back in, plunging the world back into the incredible social distress and human suffering that existed before the flood.
After the flood, Noah’s son Ham started the process of decay when he uncovered his father’s nakedness and broadcasted this to the rest of the world. Noah placed a curse on the decedents of Ham.
This was a Hamitic curse, even though Noah addressed it to Ham’s son Canaan. The reason he did this was because by this time Canaan was already sexually perverted and he had influenced his father Ham. Ham had not tackled the problem which is why it overtook him, and which is why he did what he did to Noah.
Read about the Hamitic curse in Genesis 9:24-27.
Ham hated this curse. He had a son called Cush, who also hated the idea he was to serve his brothers. So, Cush took off and migrated into the land of Saba (modern day Ethiopia.) From there Cush had a son and he named him Nimrud, which means "let us rebel."
Cush trained Nimrud into a mighty warrior and taught him to be driven by greed and lust for power. He sent him to conquer the land of Shem and Japeth and build a kingdom which would control those descendants of Shem and Japeth. He was reversing the curse.
Nimrud burned and plundered his way up through Africa, using fire and sorcery, and wiped out or enslaved whole people groups along the way.
He married a prostitute named Samuramis and together they built the world’s first great empire called Babylon. This was an empire built on a culture of greed, corruption, self-centeredness, and a lust for power. It was based on enslaving whole nations.
They realised if they were to retain the obedience of the people, they needed to establish themselves as gods. Then the people would worship them, and this would give them complete control. So, Nimrud became the sun god, Samuramis became the moon god, and later she had an illegitimate son called Timutz who became the god of the stars.
They ruled with an iron fist, and their reign of terror utterly enslaved and plundered all of the people of what we now call the Middle East.
From these three people came all of the pagan religions of the world and no matter how deep you dig you will always come back to how the devil subverted this family and caused thousands of years of human suffering.
Child sacrifice, male and female prostitution, sexual debauchery at the altar, millions murdered for not complying, poverty, starvation, trafficking, secret police, racism, corruption, oppression, you name it, it all came from the devil via these two people.
Tomorrow we will fast forward to King Solomon. When he rose to the throne his father David told him to ask God how to rule the nation of Israel the right way – righteously. In other words, God’s way, not the way of the Babylonians which had caused so much suffering.
About this Plan

Let's talk about the ROOT CAUSE of all human misery: greed, self-centeredness, and corruption. Where did it come from? What is the alternative? And what must we do to fix it in the marketplace today?
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