Worship at the WellSample

This is one of the most profound statements in the Bible. Who gets to see God? You would think the list of requirements would be extensive. Getting an audience with the King of the Universe shouldn’t be this simple it would seem, but Jesus gives us the key here to accessing His heart. Purity. Ultimately our purity comes through the blood of Jesus, but Jesus was referring to the attitude of the heart here.
David was found to be a man after His heart though riddled with many faults. It’s not perfection that He’s seeking as only He is perfect. It was David’s response to his failure in Psalms 51 that defines His heart. After David repents he says, please don’t take your presence away from me. You’re the only thing that sustains me. I need you.
God wants to encounter us. Let our motives be pure. Let our words be few. Let our worship run deep. Come, Lord Jesus!
Klaus Kuehn.
About this Plan

As we journey together the next 50 days, we will experience what worshipping at the well looks like! God’s desire is for His body to be unified, with humble hearts, and authentic worship. Join us for the next 50 days as we are encouraged and equipped to re-dig the wells of worship and prepare for rain! We hope you are encouraged by this plan!
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