PRAY4JAPAN - 17 Day Prayer Guide for JapanSample

Abundance and Growth
Many Japanese believers, on account of their faith, are minorities in society and often even in their own families. As a result they often struggle with loneliness, isolation and depression.
Let's agree for God's abounding grace to revive weary Japanese believers and give them a revelation of His heart towards them.
WORSHIP - God, Your glory is clearly seen in all creation!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Psalm 19:1-3 (NKJV)
Lord, the heavens declare Your glory; the skies proclaim the work of Your hands. Regardless of language or speech, the shouts of Your greatness are clearly heard in Japan!
DECLARE - We abide and rest in the riches of God’s grace.
And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity. 2 Corinthians 9:8 (AMP)
We declare that God is able to make all grace abound to Japanese believers, so that in all things at all times, having all that they need, they will abound in every good work.
PRAY - May believers abound in His love.
And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11 (NRSV)
Father, may Japanese believers’ love abound more and more in knowledge of You. We pray they may discern the things that are excellent, and they would live without compromise or offense until the day of Christ.
About this Plan

Japan is the world’s second largest unreached people group even after decades of dedicated evangelism and church presence. In this highly sophisticated society most Japanese see Christianity as nice but irrelevant. Church attendance hovers around 0.3%. Let’s agree with the Word of God as we worship, declare and pray for breakthrough in this beautiful nation.
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