Walking in Joy: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland MinistriesSample

Joy Isn’t Optional
Have you ever given yourself permission to be grumpy?
Maybe you’ve used the excuse that you didn’t sleep well, or you had a bad day, or you were frustrated with traffic.
There’s just one problem. It isn’t scriptural.
You see, joy doesn’t come from outward circumstances. Our joy, as believers, comes from our relationship with the Lord. In fact, God has commanded us to have joy (see today’s reading). That means He knows the choice is ours, and He’s letting us know we need to make the right one.
When we move out of joy, we tend to move into complaining, grumbling, strife, self-pity, and self-focus. Love and joy work together. When you hold grudges (not walking in love), you aren’t going to feel joyful. When you are cranky and bicker with other people or complain about your circumstance, you won’t feel joy then, either.
That’s why we must make a decision to be joyful. When we stay in God’s will, we keep ourselves in line to receive His blessings. And that is something to be joyful about!
About this Plan

Could you use a little more joy in your life these days? You don’t have to spend your life trying to achieve happiness, and you don’t have to wait until you get to heaven to have joy. Joy is already inside you as a fruit of the spirit described in Galatians 5:22. Spend the next seven days developing the fruit of joy in your life with this devotion!
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