
Have you ever lost your cool with a sibling or family member? Been behind the wheel and went straight road rage? Lost your mind waiting for a package or letter to be delivered?
We’ve all been there.
Why do we feel this way? Where does impatience come from?
I think it often comes from our desire to be in control.
Eve, rather than trusting in God’s plan and timing, took things into her own hands and ate of the fruit. She sought control.
We often do the same. We try and take control of situations, and when things don’t go the way we plan or want, we grow frustrated and impatient.
You see, impatience happens when we elevate our own importance. It happens when people don’t meet our expectations or time-frames.
So, next time you grow impatient, here is a phrase you can say to yourself: I’m not God and I’m not in control.
About this Plan

We live in an age of speed and convenience. It seems as though we, as a people, are growing more and more impatient. Where does impatience stem from? How do we fight it? Join us over the next 10 days as we unpack that.