When Being Good Isn't Good Enough: 21 Days of GraceSample

Judgment vs. Jesus
Finally, not only can we lose our freedom by focusing on results rather than relationship, product rather than process, particulars rather than principles, law rather than love, and fantasy rather than facts, but we can lose our freedom by focusing on judgment rather than on Jesus.
I love Jesus’ words concerning tax collectors. When He was criticized for spending time with such riffraff, He responded, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Matt. 9:12-13).
The other day I listened to the confession of a pastor who had done some terrible things. Because of his actions, he had been kicked out of his church and was now living with a considerable amount of shame and remorse. As I listened to his story, I found myself loving him. He didn’t make excuses, but as he talked, I could see the trap he had fallen into. Through his tears he cried, “I know I don’t deserve it, Steve, but do you think God could ever use me again?”
“Of course God can use you again,” I replied. “He loves you more than you will ever know. He has already forgiven you and is even now planning how He is going to use your sin for His glory and you for His service.”
Do you know how I felt? Guilty. I started thinking to myself, Myself, you are only trying to make him feel better, and you dare to speak for God. This is a man who has violated all the rules, and you are letting him off easy. What if he hasn’t repented sufficiently and you bring condemnation not only on him, but on yourself by not telling him the truth?
And then God spoke (in Hebrew, of course) through my knowledge of Scripture. “Stephen, are you out of your mind? If you can love him, don’t you think I can love him? If you can understand, don’t you think that I can understand?
“You’ve given him your time. . . . I gave him My life!”
If we spend a lot of time telling people about their sin— how they have failed and how they could do better—they are going to become discouraged. Not only that, they will continue to fail, and they will refuse to get better. Besides, most people are already painfully aware of their sin, of how they have failed and how they ought to get better. Just tell people about forgiveness, and then get out of the way. The devil will take the hindmost, and God will continue the process. The results will be far better than you would ever believe.
Am I saying we should not tell people about the horror of sin? Of course not. Am I saying we should not teach biblical methodologies of getting better? No way. Am I saying we should encourage failure? Are you kidding? All I’m saying is that it’s a matter of focus.
Prisons are only for people who think it’s important to live in them.
What about you?
About this Plan

Are you tired of Try Harder, Do More religion? The gospel is good news with no strings attached. Jesus went to a lot of trouble to “set the prisoners free.” The secret is obedience and holiness are the result of our freedom, not the cause of it. Discover how to live in freedom as a Christian. Rest in His love. It will make your life so much easier.
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