14 Days to Integrating Faith and FitnessSample

Whatever You Do
In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul says that whatever it is that you do, do it all for the glory of God. Think about it this way: whether you run, bike, or lift, do it all for the glory of God. We don’t have the option to pursue fitness for the sake of fitness. We don’t have the option to pursue fitness for the sake of our own self-interests, either. Paul instructs us to glorify God with everything that we do, meaning that He and His fame and honor are to be our highest aim. We are to be aware of the bigger picture (eternity) with all that we put our mind and hands to, and have our eyes focused, not simply on our own progress, but on God and others (Matthew 22:36-40).
You may impress others with your physical prowess, mile run time, or even the number of Bible verses you know. But Jesus said others will know we are true followers of him, that our lives are integrated and holistically tuned to Him, because of something different. They will know we are Jesus’ followers by the way we love one another (John 13:35), whether that “other” is your lifting buddy, your teammate, or the girl that shows up late and always forgets to put the equipment away. Loving God goes hand in hand with loving others. That is an integrated life.
About this Plan

Faith and fitness can feel at odds, but in reality they're closer than you might think. It's possible to pursue Jesus AND pursue physical health. And the more they're integrated, the stronger you'll grow both physically and spiritually. Join us for a 14-day journey to health!
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