Living by FaithSample

The Idols of the Heart
The final indictment upon the Chaldeans was their sin of idolatry. They had a pantheon of gods and goddesses and built enormous temples to house them. The Chaldeans attributed their victories in battle and economic prosperity to their gods. In reality, these gods were powerless. They couldn’t speak. They couldn’t think. There was no life. Yet the Chaldeans trusted these empty idols. Idolatry is a deceitful sin that makes fools of men created in God’s image. Idolatry makes men bow to their own creation rather than the Creator. It makes them devote their lives to serving a lifeless entity rather than the giver of life.
While we might not worship the idols of pagan nations, we all have desires that rule our hearts. John Calvin said that “the human heart is a perpetual idol factory.” We all have idols in our hearts. These idols of money, career, approval of others, status, power, entertainment, etc., capture our hearts and enslave us. These heart idols demand our time, attention, and energy. These idols are dangerous for they take us away from the one true living God.
Idolatry is a grave sin deserving God’s judgement. God will not share His glory with any worthless idol. The judgement of God finally came upon the great Chaldean empire as it was overthrown literally in one night by Darius, the King of the Medes (Daniel 5:30-31). All the Chaldean idols were powerless to save them from the wrath of the God of Israel. Likewise, the idols of our hearts which promise much will also fail us one day for they are vain, empty and worthless. This is why the Christian is daily called to break down the idols within his heart and turn to Jesus in true repentant worship.
About this Plan

God, in the short book of Habakkuk, provides us with an answer on how we must live even during moments when it seems that the whole world is crashing down upon us: the just shall live by faith. Faith is the secure anchor that will hold us firm through the tumultuous tempest.
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