The Way Forward: A Journey Through John 14 Sample

Think About It
These were Jesus’ last moments with His disciples before everything as they knew it would change. Already, there had been mounting tension and confusion around Jesus’ ministry, and that was nothing compared to the days they were about to face. When Jesus had His last chance to tell His disciples everything they would need to know to get them through the coming turmoil, He began with, “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”
God knows what you’ve been through, and He knows what is still to come and these words said to the disciples then are the words He says to you now. Regardless of your circumstances, His invitation today is to walk in peace by the power of the Holy Spirit. As you look around at uncertainty, frustration, confusion, loss, and change, remember that Jesus knows you; He sees you; and He loves you. Do not let your heart be troubled.
Live it Out
- What are you troubled about right now?
- What does it look like today to let Jesus lead through this heartache?
- How can believing Jesus at His word shape your life today?
- Take a minute to talk to Jesus out loud or in writing about what is weighing you down. Ask Him to help redirect your heart to what is true.
About this Plan

When Jesus only had a few short hours with His disciples before He would be arrested and crucified, He didn’t offer a plan of attack or simple clichés. Jesus offered His disciples peace, and He took one more opportunity to show them the heart of His Father. As we navigate an uncertain season, there’s hope to be found in the unshakeable words of Jesus.