Freedom From Fear, Part 5 Sample

Congratulations on the Decisions for Your Freedom you’ve made!

Meditation... From Psalm 91, Verses 14-16 NKJV
- Think IT >> Think about this meditation.
- Say IT >> Say it out loud... loud enough for you to hear yourself.
- Repeat IT >> Repeat your Meditation Process every 2-3 hours.
vs 14
Because I have set MY love upon You, Father, You deliver ME.
You set ME on high, because I have known Your Name.
vs 15
I call upon You, Lord – and You answer ME.
You are with ME in trouble.
You deliver ME and honor ME.
vs 16
With long life You satisfy ME,
and show ME Your salvation.
About this Plan

Fear is NOT your friend. Fear invites all types of EVIL into your life. Ask Job (Job 3:25). It’s NOT your Father’s plan for you. Meditating or thinking about truths in God’s plan for you will dislodge and dissolve fear-filled thoughts -replacing them with new thoughts and reality of FREEDOM, SAFETY, and SECURITY. Nope – we’re not making this up. That’s what your Lord Jesus says in John 15:7.