Calling - Finding Fulfillment In Your WorkSample

While pruning is about the removal of things that prevent growth, planting is about letting good things grow.
You can participate in God’s planting work in your life. Simply ask the Almighty what your strengths are. These could be skills, virtues, gifts, or vocational talent. Strengths are the things you know you do well. Then, with the strengths God has given you, take initiative where others don’t Look for opportunities to apply those strengths at work.
God wants you to use your strengths in whatever situation you’re in. Taking initiative is the spiritual act of watering the work the Lord has given you. He is glorified in your growth. So plant your giftedness, sprinkled with the love of Jesus, in every opportunity you can. God wants you to come alongside Him as He works all things together for our good.
Fulfillment is a measure of how satisfied you are with your purpose. Fulfillment happens when we are happy with where we are in the realization of purpose. Really, the only time we question our purpose is when we are low on fulfillment. Which is why a man’s work is so important to God.
Fulfillment grows richer and more nuanced throughout the years as you learn to better align with God’s great task. When you look back through your life, you want to be able to say “That was the Lord” or “Lord, look what we did together!” These are the trail markers of fulfillment.
Many individuals feel unfulfilled, though they would never say it. They might not be able to recognize that they’re feeling this way, but they can certainly know it when they find themselves waiting for five o’clock.
It is not true that you must enjoy what you do in order to feel fulfilled at work. Fulfillment comes from alignment with purpose, not from external things like working conditions, job perks, salary, title, coworkers, or enjoying the actual tasks of your work. Fulfillment is the by-product of a relationship with the Lord.
Paul said, “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little” (Phil. 4:12 NLT). He knew the benefit of working with the Lord, and he’d learned it while in custody.
Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). The abundance He brings is much larger than the job you hold or the amount of money you get paid. It’s true that you should work together with Him on the dreams He’s given you. Fulfillment is by no means confined to what you do. Fulfillment at work and within your calling is directly linked to how you abide in Christ on the job.
So long as your desire is to keep God involved, you will see the passions He has planted and the promises He has made become a reality in your life!
Father, teach me how to take godly initiative during the day. Show me how to participate fully in what you’re doing within me. Show me how to plant good things in my life, in my career, and in the lives of my colleagues.
About this Plan

God created you for a calling only you can fulfill. You long for that purpose, yet you have bills to pay and a family to support. God has a plan for you where you are right now. Take heart, no matter your circumstances, you are being pruned and planted for His purpose.