No Better Mom For The JobSample

Mama, you are beautiful
Tonight, my youngest two would not settle down before bed. They were laughing and fighting and being silly as kids do, but in the process they were ignoring every word I said. After several attempts to guide and direct them in their bedtime tasks, I told them clearly that if they didn’t obey and do the specific things I asked (hard stuff like getting on jammies and going pee) they would lose me for bedtime.
Sure enough, my little bear cubs paused their roughhousing but a breath long enough to feign listening, then jumped right back into their wild antics. Though my inner temperature was rising, I calmly said, “I’m sorry, guys. You chose not to obey, so you’ve lost Mommy tonight.”
Cue the wailing.
Suddenly they were the sorriest ever, and could we please just have one more chance? Eyes grew red and little chests heaved and crocodile tears rolled like wet boulders down pouty cheeks. How could I do this to them? they sobbed as I brushed their teeth. Keep in mind, “losing me” simply meant that their dad, whom they adore, would tuck them into bed instead.
After a few minutes, Elias came to me blowing his snotty nose and asked, “Mommy, instead of losing you, can I lose my iPad turn or fidget spinner tomorrow? Because those are just toys, and I really want you to sing and pray for me.”
Though my heart was melted to mush, my husband and I have decided that consequences are not up for negotiation. Sigh. “Not this time, buddy,” I said.
As I walked to tuck in my oldest, who still got me, my husband called me into the other bedroom and said each boy could have one hug and kiss.
As I bent down to cuddle Elias, he pulled my face close, looked into my eyes, and said, “Mommy, your beauty keeps me awake at night.”
Mamas! This is the beautiful grit, undone-by-it, wouldn’t-trade-it, achy joy of motherhood! This is why we have to stay tender through the tough battles. This is why we have to delight in our kids even when we feel defeated. This is the holy privilege, the store-in-your-heart-forever, laugh-out-loud, and squeeze-them-so-tight glory of raising kids.
Motherhood is the hardest, most humbling, and uplifting job on the planet. This is the job you were made for.
When you mother, no one is as beautiful as you.
One Simple Step: Choose one to focus on today.
• When you’re in the middle of a hard parenting moment, take a deep breath and picture Jesus right there with you.
• Stay tender in today’s tough battles—be firm (when needed) but gentle with your kids.
• Squeeze your child extra tight and whisper to yourself, I am beautiful when I mother.
We would like to thank Becky Keife and Bethany House Publishers for providing this plan.
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About this Plan

As moms, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and inadequate. We love our kids fiercely but wonder if another mom could do a better job in our shoes. Doing more or trying harder isn’t the solution. True confidence comes from leaning on the One who made you a mother. This five-day devotional will help you recognize God’s presence in your motherhood, receive His strength, and embrace the gifts you’re already living.