The Help Club for MomsSample

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Husband
By Tara Davis
There have been years of emptiness in my life. Years in which I desperately searched for the approval of others, just needing to know I was good enough. What a strange thing it is, looking to other broken people to fill the cracks in our own life. Who is whole enough to fill us in the way we need and good enough to love us in the way we desire?
Inside each of us is an empty vessel we long to have filled with worth. We seek to receive this value from many places. In search of our identity, we turn to relationships, accomplishments, or belief in ourselves. Often as wives, however, we hand this empty vessel to our husbands and ask them to fill it with our worth.
At this point, we become only as good as our husband’s performance. When he has a bad day, we are shaken. When he struggles, our value plummets. When he fails to see us through the eyes of Christ, our identity is destroyed. But what if I told you this was never God’s plan for you? If you have placed the vessel of your worth anywhere but securely with your loving Savior, you have placed it in the wrong hands. When you attempt to gain your worth from your husband, you become selfish, always needing something from him, preoccupied with your longings, and how he isn’t fulfilling them adequately. You are not able to love like Jesus or walk in the glorious freedom His love offers!
When at last, I was able to see myself through the eyes of my Savior, I could hear His truth about who I am as His child, and I was able to allow Him to meet my needs according to His glorious riches. Instead of allowing another imperfect human to determine my worth, I rested in the unconditional, unending love of my Creator, a love beyond anything imaginable.
Sister, when you finally surrender your empty vessel to Christ and allow Him to fill you in a way only He can, you gain the freedom to love your husband the way the Lord intended. Only then can you shine the light of Jesus to him in every circumstance and be the friend, lover, and helper the Lord has made you to be. You will be able to love your husband right where he is, struggles and all, and pray for him in a powerful way! Pray Ephesians 3:14-19 over your husband. That is a love that will change everything!
About this Plan

Mom, do you know where to turn when you are overwhelmed or discouraged? Do you sometimes feel you are alone? Join the club! Help Club for Moms is here with practical, hands-on advice to assist you in loving your family well and creating a Christ-centered home. Let this plan inspire you to look to Jesus, our true Helper, and the source of all knowledge and help.