Exposing Seven Lies of Lust Sample

Day Three: Lie #3 – More is Better
Lust is an absolute liar! It is conniving and out to destroy you, your family, and your legacy. The first lie I want to uncover is the concept of “more is better.” Lust tells you that if you have more: more money, more toys, more real or virtual body parts to look at, and more Internet pornography viewing time, that your life will be better and more satisfactory.
It tells you that you are missing out if you don’t check out someone’s real or virtual body parts, or find an inappropriate joke amusing. The lie continues to tell you that the more you have of these images the better of you are.
Lust tells you that you are smarter or better than others—whatever it is you need to hear—to entice you to believe you really need more. It keeps you trapped into thinking that the more lusting you do in your spare time at work, in front of the television, at the movies, or on the Internet, the better off you are.
Let me tell you the truth. The more you lust, the worse of you are. You become desensitized to women as people. You’ll stay immature in many ways. You won’t pursue your dreams or destiny—or will do so at a much slower pace. Finally, lust doesn’t tell you about the guilt, shame, and embarrassment you will feel when you ultimately get caught.
Work it Out
1. How, specifically, have you been lied to about the “more is better” concept?
2. In what type of lust do you engage?
3. How do you feel when you are engaging in a lust binge?
4. How do you feel after a lust binge of “more is better”?
5. Why is “more is better” a lie to you?
About this Plan

Lust attacks Christians every day. These attacks come in many forms. Lust uses images, entertainment, and social media, but also lies to Christian men to keep them trapped in sin. These lies can grow into future problems. Once you understand lust’s lies, you can have the upper hand to fight lust and win! In this plan, we will expose lust's lies so you can live a lust-free lifestyle.
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