Joshua - InheritanceSample

As Joshua divided up the land, he set aside cities for Levite priests and cities of refuge.
Cities of refuge were places of safety for those awaiting judgment. They were strategically placed so that they were never more than a day’s journey from anyone living in the land.
As Jesus followers, Christ is our refuge, and we should never be more than a day from spending time with Him in worship, prayer, and Bible study.
Israelite priests, the Levites, had no Promised Land inheritance because they were redeemed by God, and He was their inheritance. We, who are also redeemed by God, should not look forward to an earthy or physical inheritance. Instead, we should rejoice in our Spiritual Blessings.
- Memorize Ephesians 1:3
- What promises or blessings are you resting in?
This is Week 8 of a ten-week challenge. Week 9 can be found here:
About this Plan

Joshua and the Israelites were given a Promised Land inheritance. God gave it to them when He made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. We also have a promised inheritance. This week we will explore the Spiritual inheritance we have in Jesus. A promise worth fighting for. This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 8 of a 10 part series.