Elevation Worship - Wake Up The WonderSample

The King Is Among Us
In many ways, every cry we make to God is for Him to “do it again.”
At Elevation, we spend the beginning of each year seeking what God would want to do in our ministry and lives. We’ve been blessed to see God do amazing things in a short time frame, and we wanted to see Him continue to do what only He could do.
“The King Is Among Us” became a prayer for our entire church, asking Him to bring revival again to our church and the cities we minister in.
The King is among us
And His glory surrounds us.
We were inspired by a passage in Genesis 28, in which Jacob dreams of a staircase reaching down from Heaven to earth. He awakes in Bethel and says, “How awesome is this place! Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
With this song, we’re not asking God to revive something because He left it; we’re asking Him to awaken us to see how He’s been with us all along. Armed with a fresh awareness of His presence, we have the power to revive the world around us with God’s goodness, glory, and grace.
To listen to all of Elevation Worship's music on The Overflow please visit http://oflow.it/00ne/rtAO4uZffw
About this Plan

Based out of Elevation Church led by Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation Worship write and record songs that reflect the church's journey, experiences and needs. Through these 7 days of The Overflow devotional, we'll dive deeper into the passion behind the album Wake Up The Wonder - songs that are a prayer for the church and a prayer for revival.