Breaking Anxiety's Grip By Michelle BengtsonSample

Day Six
The Better Way
Scripture: Luke 10:38–42
Years ago, in the face of unanswered prayers for my son, I frequently thought back to the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. As Jesus and the disciples traveled to Jerusalem, they stopped at Mary and Martha’s home. Mary sat at Jesus’s feet, listening to his teachings. But Martha was distracted by her dinner preparations. She complained to Jesus, asking him to see the unfairness of the situation and to make Mary help her in the kitchen.
Jesus replied, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41–42, NLT). The NIV says, “Mary has chosen what is better” (v. 42, emphasis added).
As a parent, nothing tempts me to worry more than concern for my children. During that difficult week with my son, I let the concerns that preoccupied my mind distract my heart. When the results didn’t go as I’d hoped, I echoed Martha’s complaint: “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you?”
God replied by asking, “Will you trust me when you cannot see My hand at work? Will you trust that I am always good and My plans for you are always good? Will you choose what is better?”
I had a choice to make. The enemy screamed, “God doesn’t care. If He cared, you would’ve gotten the answer you wanted.” I had to choose to believe the truth of God’s Word: God is sovereign. He knows the good plans He has for me and my child, which include a hopeful future (Jeremiah 29:11). And He promises to work all things together for our good—even this unfortunate situation (Romans 8:28).
My tearful answer was a prayerful “Yes, Lord. I trust you. And I praise you in and through the storm. May the seeds that have been planted in faith be watered by these tears to grow a harvest for Your glory.”
Worrying never accomplishes anything, but trust opens up a world of possibility and allows God to change everything.
Father, You know the days are long, and the pressures are many. I thank You that while we may plan our course, You establish our steps. Help me to trust You, even when I can’t see You at work. In Jesus’s name, amen.
About this Plan

Worry, anxiety, and fear have power in many of our lives. We allow them to imprison us rather than allowing God’s Word to free us. This devotional is intended to encourage you, embolden you, and guide you toward a life of peace in a troubled world. Worry, anxiety, and fear are not your portion, but peace is!
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