From Anxiety to Peace Sample

One day I was processing some worries with my mentor. As I talked about my biggest fears, I silently hoped he would reassure me that these things probably would never happen. However, he responded with something that proved more powerful and lasting. He said, “I have seen you face a lot of challenges and have seen God give you strength through many trials. I trust that if this does turn out to be what you most fear, He will do the same. You would get through it by His amazing strength and power.”
Something clicked with me that coincides with Jesus’ command in Matthew 6:34. In this verse about not worrying, Jesus specifically says not to worry about future things. Sufficient for today are today’s concerns. Likewise, the author of Hebrews says that God will give us grace and help in our time of need.
When I enter into the arena of anxiety about a possible issue, it’s as if I’m going into battle alone against that issue. His strength and power is available to us as we need it. I have seen Him provide peace, strength, and help so many times in my life when I needed it. But His Word does not promise strength and help before we need it. I might be facing the news of a bad diagnosis and all of the health challenges that come along with it, but until I am actually facing it, I do not have His strength and help for this particular issue or crisis. This reminder has helped me relinquish fears and trust that no matter what happens, He is mighty to save…when I need saving.
About this Plan

If you find yourself constantly struggling with worry and anxiety, this Bible Plan is for you. There will not be a quick formula that guarantees 100% peace nor will everything related to anxiety be addressed. However, the principles contained in this Plan offer pathways toward victory when they are lived out. You’re invited to begin this journey from anxiety to peace.