Add Sparkle to Your MarriageSample

Day Three: Reflect on how romance can last a lifetime.
“The word ‘romance,’ according to the dictionary, means excitement, adventure, and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.” Billy Graham
Guided Prayer Prompt
Remember those sparks you both felt when dating? Buckle up, my friend, because if you pray in faith that God will re-light them, He will do just that. We don't always think of committing our romantic emotions or space to God in prayer but when you do, you will discover God has a romantic heart as well. He wants couples to enjoy each other - fully and freely. Let His wisdom guide you and your spouse as you pray for His direction.
Lord, give us butterflies in our stomach and sparks in our soul as a couple. Re-light the passion between us. Give me eyes to see the attractiveness of my spouse in more ways than just the physical. Let our language and words arouse romance within, whether in simply texting each other, cuddling at night or sharing a conversation after dinner. Help us to fully and freely enjoy each other as You would have us do. Guide us with Your wisdom on how to have hearts that truly sparkle with love, passion and the flame of desire in our home. In Jesus' name, amen.
We hope this Plan encouraged you. Spread harmony in your home with "Prayers to Share: 100 Notes to Affirm Your Marriage" by Heather Hair and DaySpring by clicking this link.
About this Plan

Make your marriage sparkle through the power of prayer. Popular prayer author Heather Hair shares these prayers, quotes and Scriptures to inspire your personal prayers.