Journey Of The Seed - Catch The Bible's Big Picture In 60 DaysSample

[Scheduled Reading: Genesis 8-14]
Today we reach #20. What’s #20 you ask? That’s Abraham - the 20th person in the line of The Seed.
We’re tracking The Seed from Adam to Christ, just over sixty generations.
From Adam to Noah are 10 generations. Then from Shem (Noah’s son) to Abraham are 10 more generations.
Genesis 5 and 11 gives us a nice genealogy for tracking The Seed. So already, two days into our read, we cover one-third of the 60+ names of The Seed!
These 20 generations span the period of two thousand years. But when we get to Abraham – the biblical story slows down.
The life of Abraham serves as a crucial pivot point for the path of The Seed. God has in mind a special person and a special place.
- The Person - God promised to route The Seed through Abraham. In a very forward-looking manner, God picks out a man to become father to many nations – most specifically the nation of Israelites.
- The Place - God shifts the geography for The Seed. Relocating Abram’s family from Ur (near Babylon) to Canaan was a huge pivot point. Jesus would eventually be born in the land of Canaan. Up until the life of Abraham, The Seed had been in the Mesopotamian region of Babylon.
Let’s talk about it
How does the idea of “Tracking The Seed” impact
your perspective of the Bible’s Big Picture?
About this Plan

Grasp the overall Bible story in 60 days! This reading challenge takes you from Genesis to Revelation with four important features: (1) focus on the Seed - the ancestry from Adam to Jesus, (2) a daily Bible reading plan yielding about 33% of the Bible, (3) daily guidance and insights, (4) discussion points for you and your family. (Approximately 20-25 minutes reading/listening per day.)