Rick Warren's Daily DevotionalSample

Faith Requires Commitment
Real faith is not just something you believe. Many people have strong beliefs about Jesus Christ, strong beliefs about God, strong beliefs about the Bible. They may have gone to catechism; they may know a Creed; they may know about religion; they may have knowledge about theology and doctrine. They may say, "I believe in this and that and this and that."
And, yes, they may have great beliefs! But that's not enough. James points this out - using a little sarcasm when he says, "You believe there's one God? Great. Good. Fantastic! But even the demons believe that. And they tremble."
Many people are going to miss heaven by 18 inches -- because they've got belief in their head, but they don't have it in their heart. They've got head knowledge. They say, "Sure, I believe, yeah, yeah!"
But James says, "Let me see it in your life." There's no verse in the Bible that says, "Religion is the way to heaven." Jesus didn't say, "I've come so that you might have religion." Or rules, or regulations, or rituals. He said, "I've come that you might have life."
Jesus calls us to a relationship and that makes real faith more than something you believe.
About this Plan

Do you know what God created you for? If you don't, then you may drift through the next ten years of your life instead of living out what God has called you to do. These devotionals by Rick Warren will help you get to where God wants you to go spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally, and physically. They offer practical steps for reaching the goals God has for you.