Rick Warren's Daily DevotionalSample
Your Personality Reveals Purpose
A way to determine how you can serve others is to ask yourself such questions as: What do I really enjoy doing most? When do I feel the most fully alive? What am I doing when I lose track of time? Do I like routine or variety? Do I prefer serving with a team or by myself? Am I more introverted or extroverted? Am I more a thinker or a feeler? Which do I enjoy more - competing or cooperating?
Examine your experiences and extract the lessons you've learned. Review your life and think about how it has shaped you.
Forgotten experiences are worthless; that's a good reason to keep a spiritual journal. Paul worried that the believers in Galatia would waste the pain they had been through. He said, "Were all your experiences wasted? I hope not!" (Galatians 3:4 NCV)
We rarely see God's good purpose in pain or failure or embarrassment while it is happening. Only in hindsight do we understand how God intended a problem for good.
Extracting the lessons from your experiences takes time. I recommend that you take an entire weekend for a life review retreat, where you pause to see how God has worked in the various defining moments of your life and consider how he wants to use those lessons to help others.
This will give you very clear direction on the ways he wants you to minister to others.
About this Plan
Do you know what God created you for? If you don't, then you may drift through the next ten years of your life instead of living out what God has called you to do. These devotionals by Rick Warren will help you get to where God wants you to go spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally, and physically. They offer practical steps for reaching the goals God has for you.