What The Bible Says To The Business LeaderSample

Be a Person of Integrity - Good Character - Above Reproach
As a Christian, your integrity will lead you to do what is right in every situation. It will guide you according to God's truth. His clear instructions will guide you day by day and bring peace to your soul. The treacherous or unfaithful in verse 3 of Proverbs 11 are those who are crooked or dishonest in the way they conduct business (v. 3b). Though they lack integrity, they may still prosper for a while. But the day will come when their crookedness finally catches up to them. When you are tempted to compromise your integrity, always remember this fact: one day you will answer to God for your life, including how you conducted your business and performed your job.
You will experience true peace of heart and mind, a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, and the priceless blessings of God when you choose to follow your integrity. You will still suffer adversity, as we all do, but you will avoid the excruciating consequences that come to those who lack integrity.
Dishonest people who profess to be Christians have done great damage to the cause of Christ. But instead of bringing shame to His name - as the dishonest do - your integrity will bring glory to God, especially when others see you doing the right thing at great expense to yourself or your job.
Study Questions:
- What does integrity mean to you?
- How can you foster integrity that consistently guides you and is pleasing to the Lord?
About this Plan

What does God expect of you in business? And how do you honor Him daily in all you do? This study offers practical, scriptural values for conducting business in a 21st-century world.
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